Janette Newman
Registered Psychologist & Health Psychologist
Janette has more than 15 year’s experience as a practicing Registered Psychologist and set up a Private Practice initially in Victoria and more recently in Western Australia. Janette completed her university training at Deakin and La Trobe Universities in Melbourne, Victoria. She has extensive experience in assisting injured workers to return to work and a special interest in assisting people with health related issues. She believes her previous nursing career enhances her understanding of health and illness and compliments her training and experience in Health Psychology. Janette engages in professional development to remain informed about research and evidence based practice relevant to her psychology service.
Registered Psychologist and Endorsed Health Psychologist (A.H.P.R.A.)
BA(Psych) PGD (Health Psych)
Australian Association of Psychologists inc. (AAPi)
Association for Contextual Behavioural Science Association (ACBS)
Australia & New Zealand Academy for Eating Disorders (ANZAED)
Australian Centre For Eating Disorders (ACFED)
Australian Psychological Society – Member 23yrs
College of Health Psychologists – Member 7yrs
Registered Nurse and Occupational Health Nurse qualifications (previous career)
Janette welcomes referrals and enquiries in relation to:
Pain Management
Coping with injury
illness and other life changes
Weight concerns
Body image concerns
Eating behaviour concerns
Chronic Health conditions- eg. Diabetes, Epilepsy, Crohn’s, Colitis, Heart disease, Respiratory disease
Cancer (Janette provides a counselling service for Cancer Council W.A.)
Health Coaching
Smoking cessation
Sleep problems
Anxiety and Panic
Self confidence
Health psychologists specialise in understanding the relationships between psychological factors (e.g. behaviours, attitudes, beliefs) and health and illness. Health psychologists practice in two main areas: health promotion (prevention of illness and promotion of healthy lifestyles) and clinical health (application of psychology to illness assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation).